Concord Township, PA Historical Blog

Historical Posts about our fascinating town.

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Womens Right to Vote – Rachel Kohl

August 10, 2020

Rachel Kohl Rachel recognized the need for a community library and set out to make that vision a reality. Born in 1924 in Lewes, Delaware, Rachel graduated from Ocean City High School and Lycoming College where she earned a Library Science degree. In 1950, Rachel and her family moved to Concord Township with a small eight-room elementary school and no library.  A lover of books and a public…

Womens Right to Vote – Olga Byrd

August 10, 2020

Olga Victoria Byrd Many people are not aware of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church on Spring Valley Road, which was built in 1880 from the funds of the local black community.  The African Americans worked mostly in supporting the farming community.  Some, like the Byrd family, lived in tenant houses. In this new era of heightened awareness, we highlight a notable black woman who worked hard to…

Womens Right to Vote – 3 women

August 10, 2020

In honor of this Centennial Anniversary of the Women’s Right to Vote, we celebrate three women in Concord Township who had the courage and conviction to make their vision a reality, and in so doing, made an important contribution to our community and beyond.   Virginia Merion DeNenno – Ginny believed in the value of collecting, preserving and sharing our local history, and achieved that vision through the…

Womens Right to Vote

August 10, 2020

Amendment XIX to the United States Constitution “Susan B Anthony Amendment” was introduced to Congress in 1870, and enacted in her exact words on August 18, 1920: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex” In 1848, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and three other ladies, put an…

Copper Beech Tree

February 9, 2020

The Copper Beech Tree For many years, the Pierce Willits property that currently houses the Concord Township Historical Society Museum has enjoyed an old establishment. In the side yard there stands an ancient Copper Beech tree. The arrangement of the dark leaves is such that they overlap one another, creating an impenetrable canopy and a welcome cool space in the stifling Concord Township summers. It is believed that…

Civil War and Concord

February 7, 2020

The Civil War and Concord One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 9, 1865, General Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, ending the war between the North and South. To commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War, our museum has some exhibits that highlight the part Concord Township played in that conflict.     The Society has an original photo of the horse…

First Telephone Switchboard

January 17, 2020

Village of Concordville: The First Telephone Switchboard in Concord Township K . Jester house, circa 1870, Resource # 174 on the Concord Township Historic Resources Inventory The Village of Concordville grew during the mid-late nineteenth century, with homes and businesses to support the growing agriculture in the township. Located at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Concord Road, it still serves as an important transportation hub today. This…

Merion’s Produce Hut

August 17, 2019

Merion’s Produce Hut – Closed Permanently Twenty-seven years ago, John Merion opened Merion’s Produce Hut in Concordville. Retired for three months from owning IGA Supermarkets, he wanted to do something that kept him in touch with people, and played on his farming background. Sadly, it has been closed permanently due to John’s health issues. He comes from a long line of farmers, and although he was the first…

          circa 1870

December 17, 2017

Christmas Time Traditions By: Karen Kendus, Concord Township Historical Society The end of the year offers a multitude of family get-togethers and holidays to celebrate. For my family, we celebrate Christmas, and find every reason there is to get together. Just this week, the women of my husband’s family (now including me) have started to review schedules to find a day for our annual cookie baking tradition. My…

History Unlocked – November 2017, Food and Plenty of the Lenni Lenape

November 17, 2017

Food and Plenty of the Lenni Lenape By: Karen Dingle Kendus, Concord Township Historical Society Ahh, Fall. School and club sports have been well under way since the last pieces of summer. School is in full swing, complete with midterms and homework. And Halloween, along with all the sugar addictions and stomachaches, has finally passed us. Most of us have slid comfortably into our busy routines, and are…