The Ralph Pyle – E.P. Hannum House was built in the 1700s for Ralph Pyle and later rebuilt in 1820 for Evans P. Hannum. The property also consists of a barn built c. 1900 and a springhouse from the 1700s. The house is a stucco over-stone farmhouse overlooking Ward Village from a hill. Later renovations removed all of the fireplaces, but their supports can still be found in the basement.
Ralph Pyle came to America in 1683. He married Eleanor Rawlings in 1699, and they are documented as living “on a farm on the left side of Concord Road, just before you come to Saint John’s Episcopal Church, in Concord Twp. Del. Co. Pa.” (The Pyle-Pile Family in America, 1642-1980). They were St. John’s Episcopal Church members despite Ralph’s brothers being devout Quakers.
Evans P. Hannum acquired 72 acres of land from his father’s estate in 1816 and built the present house in 1820. Hannum, his wife Elizabeth Yeatman Gibbons, and their 11 children lived on the property. They farmed 68 acres of the land, and the farm was valued at $5,160 in 1850.
The property remained with the Hannum Family until the 1890s when the Pyle Family purchased it again. The Ricciardi Family owned the farm from the 1930s until 1979.
This property is a private residence and not open to the public.
Concord Township Historic Resource #103