New Members, Renewals, and Friends ~

You make it happen: preservation of our local history

We hope you will help us to continue our mission “collect, preserve, and share our history” by sending in your annual dues, now. Remember, our membership year runs from January 1 to December 31, so if you have not paid in this calendar year, your dues is now due.

We’ve made it easy: You can pay online, or download the form below and send to CTHS, PO Box 152, Concordville PA 19331

Why you should be a member

Because we serve our community by providing programs and events to the public.  Our newly renovated museum reopened in May 2014, thanks to the generous spirit of donors and members.   Plus, you will enjoy the satisfaction of helping to collect, preserve, and share our township’s history!

Why you should sign up now

Membership Levels

We can better plan our annual budget with early enrollments, and you can take your membership dues off your To Do list!  In addition to updating our renovated museum exhibits, and maintaining and cataloging our collections, we need to continue the maintenance required on our Pierce-Willits headquarters as well as our Polecat Road House.  We thank you for your support.

You can send in your dues/donation via Paypal/Credit Card now! 

Don’t want to pay on line?

Click here for the donation/annual membership form to print and mail in with your check

Thank you for your continued support of The Society!

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